India - Udaipur - 041 - beautifully carved ceiling at the Ranakpur Jain Temple (1059176705)

McKay Savage from London, UK
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The intricately carved dome over one of the 4 entrances to the Ranakpur Jain Temple. Each of the 4 entrances was different with a noticable style and degree of detail as different patrons and artists put their own stamp on the design over its decades of construction.

The temple is a fabuous site, well worth the visit, a couple hours drive from Udaipur.

Built in the 14th or 15th century, this temple was built by 3 generations. Done in marble, with domes and entranes at each of the 4 cardinal directions, it supposedly sports 144 towers and 1444 columns, all intricately carved and unique. The detail is fabulous.

What was perhaps the most interesting to me however was not its architecture, but its pristine condition and cleanliness. I have seen other sites of beautiful carvings and construction that awed, but unlike those, this is not a crumbling archeological site or recreated museum - it is a living, active temple. The carvings were as crisp as 500 years ago, the care in the temple as strong. It was like seeing the Anthens Acropolis while it was still in use.
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