Iceberg calving process

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Schematic illustration of a so-called unequilibrium calving process of a large iceberg (here in the form of top-out calving, i.e. the top of the iceberg rotates (‘capsizes’) away from the glacier front). The force acting on the glacier front (calving-contact force, FC) in ‘upglacier’ direction and its counterpart acting in ‘downglacier’ direction are thought to be responsible for triggering low-frequency seismic waves (‘glacial earthquakes’). (a) Undisturbed calving. The dashed blue arrow indicates the rotational direction of the iceberg; the double-arrow indicates FC, all other forces are indicated by simple solid black arrows; xi and yi are the coordinates of the center of mass of the iceberg; θ is the angle of rotation. (b) Force vectors acting on the capsizing iceberg (e.g. gravity, buoyancy, fluid resistance). (c) Scenario in (a) extended by the ice mélange which floats in front of the glacier, providing a second contact force.
own work, based on Victor C. Tsai, James R. Rice & Mark Fahnenstock: Possible mechanisms for glacial earthquakes. In: Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 113, p. 7 online PDF
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