IC 4247

Judy Schmidt from Fresh Meadows, NY, USA
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I think I'm on a dwarf streak, now. These galaxies are little more than soft, subtle smudges but I can increase visual interest by using LEGUS data to emphasize and highlight bluer areas and contrast them against the the redder ones. A sprinkling of foreground stars and a few goodies in the background add some variety.

As usual, the chip gap cuts across the image. It is faintly visible as the blurry, cloned data going from the upper left to the lower right of the image. LEGUS (blue, UV) data did not totally overlap all areas. In those places, F606W takes over in the blue channel, which is about the bottom fourth of the image or so. Note F814W shares the blue channel slightly. Keeps the picture from looking super yellow.

There might be another one of those oddly squished star clusters on the north side of the galaxy, but it's hard to tell because it's both fighting against the dwarf's stars and it's cut in half by the dreaded chip gap.

Thanks to the individuals responsible for Proposal 10235 and the LEGUS Survey.

Red: HST_10235_08_ACS_WFC_F814W_sci Green: HST_10235_08_ACS_WFC_F606W_sci Blue: WFC3 / UVIS F275W + F336W + F438W (All three from LEGUS)

North is up.
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