Hobet Mountaintop mine West Virginia 2009-06-02

720 x 480 Pixel (158989 Bytes)
Below the densely forested slopes of southern West Virginia’s Appalachian Mountains is a layer cake of thin coal seams. To uncover this coal profitably, mining companies engineer large—sometimes very large—surface mines using strip mining methods.
  • This image of a surface mine in Boone County, West Virginia from 2009.
  • Based on data from NASA’s Landsat 5 satellite, this natural-color (photo-like) image document the Hobet mine in 2009.
  1. The natural landscape of the area is dark green, forested mountains, creased by streams and indented by hollows.
  2. The active mining areas appear off-white.
  3. Areas being reclaimed with vegetation appear light green.
  4. A pipeline roughly bisects the images from north to south.
  • The town of Madison, lower right, lies along the banks of the Coal River.
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