His Excellency Hsi Liang, Viceroy of Manchuria, Manchuria, 1882-ca. 1936 (imp-cswc-GB-237-CSWC47-LS8-046)

Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
4873 x 4884 Pixel (2697866 Bytes)

His Excellency Hsi Liang, Viceroy of Manchuria, Manchuria, 1882-ca. 1936
Portrait photograph of His Excellency Hsi Liang, Viceroy of Manchuria.; This belongs to a series of Church of Scotland Foreign Missions Committee lantern slides relating to the Scottish missionary Dugald Christie. Dugald Christie was born in Glencoe in Scotland and studied medicine under the auspices of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. In 1882, along with his first wife, Elizabeth, he went to Manchuria to work as a medical missionary of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland. He worked initially in Newchang and later moved to the capital of Mukden where he opened Manchuriaas first hospital in 1884. In 1912 he established Mukden Medical College. Dugald Christie retired in 1923 and died in Edinburgh in 1936.
Photographer: Unknown
Filename: imp-cswc-GB-237-CSWC47-LS8-046.tif
Coverage date: 1882/1936
Part of collection: International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
Geographic subject (region): Manchuria
Type: images
Part of subcollection: Photographs from the Centre for the Study of World Christianity, University of Edinburgh, U.K., ca.1900-ca.1940s
Repository name: Centre for the Study of World Christianity
Archival file: impaunpub_Volume7/1708.url
Repository address: The University of Edinburgh School of Divinity, New College, Mound Place, Edinburgh EH1 2LX, United Kingdom
Geographic subject (country): China
Format (aacr2): 1 lantern slide : 8 x 8 cm.
Geographic subject (continent): Asia
Rights: Contact the repository for details.
Part of series: Dugald Christie LS8
Repository email: divinity-CSWC@ed.ac.uk
Subject (lcsh Keyword): Heads of state
Date created: before 1882/1936
Publisher (of the digital version): University of Southern California. Libraries
Subject (aat genre): portraits
Format (aat): lantern slides
Legacy record ID: impa-m69161
Access conditions: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/divinity/research/centres/world-christianity/collections-resources
File: GB 237 CSWC47/LS8/46
Public domain
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