Highland in the area of Maubisse
Hinrich Kaiser
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Highland habitat in the area of Maubisse, Ainaro District (altitude at the level of the buildings ca. 1400 m). This habitat has experienced considerable deforestation, as evidenced by the presence of small forest patches in the low-lying areas and the absence of trees on the higher slopes of Mt. Ramelau, in this view. This deforestation apparently began only in the early 1980s (Trainor et al. 2007). The area supports a very active coffee industry. The patchwork of forest, river valleys, coffee plantations, and deforested slopes creates a mosaic environment that most likely will cater exclusively to habitat generalist species
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Diese Datei wurde als Teil einer Kooperation zwischen Wikispecies und ZooKeys zur Verfügung gestellt.
Kaiser H, Carvalho V, Ceballos J, Freed P, Heacox S, Lester B, Richards S, Trainor C, Sanchez C, O’Shea M (2011). "The herpetofauna of Timor-Leste: a first report". ZooKeys 109: 19--86. Pensoft Publishers. DOI:10.3897/zookeys.109.1439. PMID 21852932. PMC: 3118819.
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