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All the 35 hexominoes, in a SVG document. They're coloured according to their symmetry groups:

  • 20 hexominoes (coloured black) have no symmetry. Their symmetry groups consist only of the identity mapping
  • 6 hexominoes (coloured red) have an axis of mirror symmetry aligned with the gridlines. Their symmetry groups have two elements, the identity and an orthogonal reflection.
  • 2 hexominoes (coloured green) have an axis of mirror symmetry at 45° to the gridlines. Their symmetry groups have two elements, the identity and a diagonal reflection.
  • 5 hexominoes (coloured blue) have point symmetry, also known as rotational symmetry of order 2. Their symmetry groups have has two elements, the identity and a 180° rotation.
  • 2 hexominoes (coloured purple) have two axes of mirror symmetry, both aligned with the gridlines. Their symmetry groups have four elements.
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Ein Polyomino ist eine Fläche, die aus zusammenhängenden Quadraten besteht. .. weiterlesen