Heureka Zurich 01

Todd Huffman from Phoenix, AZ
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A kinetic sculpture entitled Heureka by Jean Tinguely (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Tinguely) on the shore of Lake Zurich.

The sculpture is as much an auditory event as it is visual, with all the rusted whirrings of the gears, belts, wheels, and pulleys.

I found a video (alas, no sound) on YouTube, which conveys some of the effect. Watch the video all the way to the end, the last few seconds convey the scale of the machine.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8plV5trScw">www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8plV5trScw</a>

It was interesting trying to photograph the sculpture, because there is so much going on. I decided to take a few shots of the gears I like the most. I found it impossible to take a picture of the entire machine that captured enough of the details that made it interesting.

Just now I browsed around Flickr to see if I could find a macro view of the sculpture I liked, and I like this one. <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/bskl/74556729/">flickr.com/photos/bskl/74556729/</a>
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