Hepialus humuli pair (7392024178)

Ben Sale from UK
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Catch Report - 16/06/12 - Back Garden/Farmland

An absolutely awful night weather-wise we had waiting for us as we set up traps around the farmland, it was just so windy with huge gusts and always threatening rain and as quoted by Colin Plant 'it's abit of a non-starter really isn't it!' But mad as we all are we set about running traps until about 12.30am when it seemed pointless anymore. Highlights of the night were both Male and Female Ghost Moth's, easily 60+ Common Swift's and a stunning Elephant Hawk-moth. Also a possible Cochylis molliculana which I am hoping is correct as it will be a new one for me and the site.

Braughing Friars, 16th June 2012 6x MV traps

Ghost Moth [NFY] Common Swift Agapeta hamana Pseudargyrotoza conwagana [NFY] Scoparia ambigualis Small Magpie Eurrhypara hortulata Udea olivalis Bee Moth Aphomia sociella Silver-ground Carpet Yellow Shell Fern Freyer's Pug Common Pug Brimstone Moth Clouded Silver Common Footman Heart and Dart Shuttle-shaped Dart Flame Ingrailed Clay Setaceous Hebrew Character Double Square-spot [NFY] Bright-line Brown-eye [NFY] Common Wainscot [NFY] Angle Shades Dark Arches [NFY] Large Nutmeg Rustic Shoulder-knot Green Silver-lines Silver Y Snout

Extras at my two traps before packing up at 1.30am

1x Elephant Hawk-moth [NFY] 1x Celypha lacunana 1x Chrysoteuchia culmella 1x Crambus lathoniellus

1x Cochylis molliculana ???
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