Henryk Szost - 2012 Olympic Marathon

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The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games.

The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...

Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.

These photographs are unofficial photographs. They are not endorsed by London 2012. There are not commercially available. They are available for use under a Creative Commons License. Please link back to the photograph on my Flickr account if you use the image.
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