Henry Hudson Parkway northbound and pedestrian bridge

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Plaza Lafayette is a small (0.09 acre) New York City park in the Hudson Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. Named after the Marquis de Lafayette, the French hero of the American Revolution, the parklet is roughly trapezoidal in shape, and is bounded by Riverside Drive on the west (originally called Boulevard Lafayette), the westbound lane of West 181st Street on the north, the eastbound lane of West 181st Street on the south, and Haven Avenue on the east. The land was acquired by the city on February 23, 1918. The parklet, which is located near the highest natural point in Manhattan (in Bennett Park, about 5 blocks away) has unobstructed views of the George Washington Bridge, the Palisades, and the Hudson River. (Source: "Plaza Lafayette" on the NYC Parks Dept. site)

Plaza Lafayette also includes a small viewing area across what is now called Riverside Drive from the fenced-in park area. At one time, this small platform had a stone or concrete staircase which lead down to the grade level of what is now the northbound Henry Hudson Parkway, but which was at the time Riverside Drive. The staircase is now gated off at the top, but it can still be seen from the Hudson River Greenway pedestrian and biking path on the other side of the parkway.

From the viewing area, looking north, one can see the parkway, and the pedestrian bridge over it leading to the Hudson River Greenway The bridge is located about a block north of West 187th Street.
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