Hand Units of Measurement

339 x 391 Pixel (17278 Bytes)
Hand derived units of measurement.
  1. Shaftment (palm and extended thumb) about 2 palms or 6 inches
  2. Hand (In English, a “Hand” or “Handbreadth” is commonly used to represent the width of the palm, sometimes including the thumb when closed against the palm.) about 4 inches
  3. Palm (In English, a "Palm" is commonly used to represent four fingers held together, which is slightly less than the true width of the palm at the knuckles.) about 3 inches or 4 fingers
  4. Span (from little finger tip to thumb tip) about 3 palms, 9 inches or 12 fingers
  5. Finger (or fingerbreadth) about 3/4 inch or 1/16 foot
  6. Digit (In English, “digit” and “finger” are used to represent the width of a finger. However, the value of the digit is slightly less than the value of the finger.)
  7. Thumb (not indicated) about 1 inch or 1/12 foot
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