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6th c. BC representation of an animal sacrifice scene in Pitsa panels. Translation from French: "One of the four painted wood slabs of Pitsa, found in 1934 near Sicyon, Corinthia, in a cave above the village of Pitsa. Inscriptions reveal that they were dedicated to the Nymphs, venerated in this cave. The painted wooden plates were the most popular and most economic items dedicated to sanctuaries. These examples from Pitsa are of great value because they are the only example of Corinthian paint on a large scale. They are made with the technique of "xerography", using mineral pigments. Inside the red or black outlines of figures, colors (white, red, blue, yellow, purple, brown, green and black) without gradation were applied. Dedications are written in Corinthian alphabet.
The plaque represents a procession to an altar to sacrifice a lamb to the sound of the aulos and the lyre. Dedication to the Graces (Charites) is indicated with the names of Euthydika, Eukolis, Etheloncha and, on the side, the name of the painter, of which only the origin, Corinthian, still remains. c. 540-530 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens, No. 16,464."
Public domain
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