Great Seal of the State of Kansas Colored

1431 x 1431 Pixel (2935922 Bytes)
"The east is represented by a rising sun, in the right-hand corner of the seal; to the left of it, commerce is represented by a river and a steamboat; in the foreground, agriculture is represented as the basis of the future prosperity of the state, by a settler’s cabin and a man plowing with a pair of horses; beyond this is a train of ox-wagons, going west; in the background is seen a herd of buffalo, retreating, pursued by two Indians, on horseback; around the top is the motto, 'Ad astra per aspera,' and beneath a cluster of thirty-four stars. The circle is surrounded by the words, "Great seal of the state of Kansas. January 29, 1861" - Kansas Legislature on May 25, 1861
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Kansas   ist ein im Mittleren Westen gelegener Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten. Sein Name leitet sich ab von dem Wort Kansa und bedeutet in der Sprache der Sioux „Volk des Südwinds“. Kansas hat den Beinamen Sunflower State (Sonnenblumenstaat). Die Hauptstadt des landwirtschaftlich geprägten Bundesstaates ist Topeka. .. weiterlesen