Golden gate circa 1891

Shepp, James W.; Shepp, Daniel B.
812 x 614 Pixel (188872 Bytes)
Golden Gate, circa 1891. The caption reads:

GOLDEN GATE, California.—This forms the entrance to San Francisco Bay, which is about seventy miles long and from ten to fifteen wide, and is narrowed into a channel only about one mile wide; here the waters escape in a current as the tide ebbs and flows to and from the ocean. As one approaches from the ocean towards the bay, the south side of the Golden Gate exhibits a shelving point of land which terminates in a long fortification called Fort Point. The portion of the strait between the light house on the north and the fort on the south, is termed "The Golden Gate," or "Chrysopylæ."

Public domain
Shepp's Photographs of the World. Globe Bible Publishing Co. Philadelphia.
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