Globular-like NGC 1850

Judy Schmidt from Fresh Meadows, NY, USA
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Found in the Large Magellanic Cloud, this is some kind of young star cluster that looks kind of like a globular cluster. It's got a cute little buddy to the lower right. I can't really say anything better than the old press release for this image did originally. I'm having fun going through old press release images and seeing what I can do with them.

This is one of those woeful old datasets you can mash together and sort of almost make a complete picture but not quite. You can see a good chunk of red H-alpha cloud is missing. I could take the H-alpha off and the cluster looks pretty good without it, but I've somehow grown fond of these funky-looking Frankensteined images.

Data from the following proposals was used: The young double cluster NGC 1850 in the Large Magellanic Cloud WFPC2 Astromertric Calibration [sic] Moving Observations of a Fixed Star Cluster

Red: hst_06101_01_wfpc2_f656n_wf_sci + hst_06101_01_wfpc2_f675w_wf_sci + hst_05559_01_wfpc2_f569w_wf_sci hst_05559_01_wfpc2_f791w_wf_sci Green: hst_08800_01_wfpc2_f555w_wf_sci Blue: hst_05559_01_wfpc2_f439w_wf_sci

North is NOT up. It is 12.8° clockwise from up.
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NGC 1850

NGC 1850 ist ein junger, massereicher Sternhaufen im Balken der Großen Magellanschen Wolke im Sternbild Dorado. Er gehört damit zu einer Objektklasse, die es in unserer Milchstraße nicht gibt. NGC 1850 ist ziemlich kompakt, mitgliederreich und zählt zu den hellsten Sternhaufen der Großen Magellanschen Wolke. Sein Alter wird auf etwa 50 Millionen Jahre geschätzt. Er beherbergt den sehr jungen Subcluster NGC 1850A. Das Objekt wurde am 3. August 1826 von James Dunlop entdeckt. .. weiterlesen