Gibraltar Model 1865 (5)

Jim Crone
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The coastal defences are comprehensive with the large Kings Bastion at centre and South Bastion at the lower right in the photograph. City Hall, House of Assembly and the piazza are close to Kings Bastion and still exist today as does the Governors residence (The Convent) situated behind Wellington Front with its distinctive right and left bastions. Views from a model of Gibraltar in en:Gibraltar Museum. The model is 8 meter's long at a scale of 1/600 or 1inch = 50ft which represents the almost 3 mile length of Gibraltar

It was completed in 1865 from a survey by Lient. Charles Waren R.E. under the direction of Major General Frome R.E. it was coloured after nature by Captain B.A. Branfill of 86 Regiment 1868.

These pictures are from and are generously given by the site and its auithor Jim Crone
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