George L Mosse
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George L. Mosse, as a visiting professor at Cambridge University, photographed at Pembroke College near the War Memorial to the dead of the First World War (1914-1918).
The Latin inscription reads: Vivit memoria trecentorum domus filiorum qui pro patria militantes posuerunt vitam (The memory of the three-hundred sons of this house who gave their lives as soldiers for their country lives on.)
The Latin inscription reads: Vivit memoria trecentorum domus filiorum qui pro patria militantes posuerunt vitam (The memory of the three-hundred sons of this house who gave their lives as soldiers for their country lives on.)
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George L. MosseGeorg Lachmann-Mosse, später George L. Mosse, war ein US-amerikanischer Historiker deutsch-jüdischer Herkunft. .. weiterlesen