Mike Dyall-Smith, Peter Palm, Gerhard Wanner, Angela Witte, Dieter Oesterhelt, Friedhelm Pfeiffer
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Halobacterium-Phage ChaoS9 (fam. Vertoviridae , gen. Chaosvirus) compared with haloarchaea provirus elements PVH3A1 and PVHS1.
PVH3A1 from haloarchaeon strain 3A1_DGR (aka 3A1-DGR, Halobacteriales, NCBI taxid 1071085; accession NZ_KK033114; nt 1475908-1520418), and PVHS1 from Haarchaeum sulfurireducens strain M27-SA2 (accession NZ_CP011564; nt 1971038-1927125), are compared to ChaoS9. Grey bands connecting genome maps represent similarity (tBLASTx, >30% identity) between the inferred proteins of ChaoS9 and each provirus. Positions of several annotated proteins and their genes are indicated by color and name; TerL, large subunit terminase (red); Por, portal protein (light green); Head, SPP1_gp7 family head assembly protein, (light brown); capsid proteins such as Mcp (major capsid protein) and Tail sheath protein (brown); Tpm, tape measure protein (yellow); Dam, adenine methyltransferase (light grey); Bpj, baseplate J family protein (blue); Orc1, replication protein Orc1 (green); RepH, plasmid replication protein (turquoise). Scale bar, in kbp, is shown at top.
PVH3A1 from haloarchaeon strain 3A1_DGR (aka 3A1-DGR, Halobacteriales, NCBI taxid 1071085; accession NZ_KK033114; nt 1475908-1520418), and PVHS1 from Haarchaeum sulfurireducens strain M27-SA2 (accession NZ_CP011564; nt 1971038-1927125), are compared to ChaoS9. Grey bands connecting genome maps represent similarity (tBLASTx, >30% identity) between the inferred proteins of ChaoS9 and each provirus. Positions of several annotated proteins and their genes are indicated by color and name; TerL, large subunit terminase (red); Por, portal protein (light green); Head, SPP1_gp7 family head assembly protein, (light brown); capsid proteins such as Mcp (major capsid protein) and Tail sheath protein (brown); Tpm, tape measure protein (yellow); Dam, adenine methyltransferase (light grey); Bpj, baseplate J family protein (blue); Orc1, replication protein Orc1 (green); RepH, plasmid replication protein (turquoise). Scale bar, in kbp, is shown at top.
Halobacterium salinarum virus ChaoS9, a Novel Halovirus Related to PhiH1 and PhiCh1. In: MDPI: Genes, volume 10, issue 3 (Special Issue Genetics of Halophilic Microorganisms), p.194; doi:10.3390/genes10030194
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