Geburtshaus duesenberg
Ulrich Schumacher
600 x 800 Pixel (279267 Bytes)
Duesenberg J Murphy Convertible Coupe infront of the historical HOUSE OF BIRTH of the famous car builders FRED & AUGIE DUESENBERG.
The house is classified as an architectural monument and is situated in the village KIRCHHEIDE near the town LEMGO in nothern Germany. The farmhouse anno 1760 and the adjoining buildings were restaurated and nearly unchanged preserved. It´s the private home of the author.
The house is classified as an architectural monument and is situated in the village KIRCHHEIDE near the town LEMGO in nothern Germany. The farmhouse anno 1760 and the adjoining buildings were restaurated and nearly unchanged preserved. It´s the private home of the author.
Public domain
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