
J. J. Wheeler, Carina M. Carlos, Helen A. Cedzidlo, Xingfeiyang Liu, Massimo S. Modica, Izaiah D. Rhodes, Leah F. Truskinovsky
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504 x 501 Pixel (331390 Bytes)
Characteristics of Arthrobacter Phage GantcherGoblin plaques and virions. Virions negatively stained with 1% uranyl acetate for TEM reveal siphoviral morphology, with prolate icosahedral heads and long tails. Scale bar = 100 nm. Morphotype: Siphoviruses. On average, GantcherGoblin tails measure 231 nm ± 5 nm. Capsids measure 53 nm ± 3 nm along the axis perpendicular to the tail (Head¹) and 71 nm ± 1 nm along the same axis as the tail (Head²).
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