Galen Clark on Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park, ca.1900 (CHS-1207)

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Galen Clark on Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park, ca.1900
Photograph of Galen Clark, Yosemite pioneer and discoverer of Mariposa Grove, standing on Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park. Ice and snow cling to the precarious rock formation.
Photographer: Fiske, George
Filename: CHS-1207
Coverage date: circa 1900
Part of collection: California Historical Society Collection, 1860-1960
Format: glass plate negatives
Type: images
Part of subcollection: Title Insurance and Trust, and C.C. Pierce Photography Collection, 1860-1960
Repository name: USC Libraries Special Collections
Accession number: 1207
Microfiche number: 1-60-54; 1-60-55
Archival file: chs_Volume94/CHS-1207.tiff
Rights: Digitally reproduced by the USC Digital Library; From the California Historical Society Collection at the University of Southern California
Repository address: Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
Geographic subject (country): USA
Subject (naf): Clark, Galen, 1814-1910
Publisher (of the digital version): University of Southern California. Libraries
Subject (adlf): parks
Project: USC
Repository email:
Contributing entity: California Historical Society
Date created: circa 1900
Call number: CHS-1207
Format (aat): photographic prints; photographs
Geographic subject (state): California
Legacy record ID: chs-m10656; USC-0-1-1-10805
Access conditions: Send requests to address or e-mail given. Phone (213) 821-2366; fax (213) 740-2343.
Subject (file heading): Photographers -- Fiske, George
Format (aacr2): 2 photographs : glass photonegative, photoprint, b&w ; 22 x 17 cm.
Subject (lcsh): Yosemite national park (Calif.); Glacier Point (Calif.); National parks and reserves; Mountains
Public domain
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