Frank Stella 2012

(c) American Academy in Berlin, CC BY 3.0

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On the occasion of the exhibition "Frank Stella - The Retrospective. Works 1958 - 2012," at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, the American Academy in Berlin hosted a conversation between Stella and Hanno Rauterberg of Die Zeit on the distinctive and groundbreaking work of the renowned American artist. From early recognition of his departure from abstract expressionism through recent retrospectives of his vast and diverse oeuvre, Stella has been celebrated for his boldness in challenging convention and willingness to innovate in works that have grown in complexity and scale throughout his artistic career. With his turn "from Minimalism to Maximalism," he established himself as one of the most distinctive artists of the 20th century.
YouTube: A Conversation with Frank Stella – Archivierte Versionen ansehen/speichern auf und (original photo)
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Frank Stella

Frank Stella ist ein US-amerikanischer Maler, Bildhauer und Objektkünstler. Er zählt zu den Vertretern der Analytischen Malerei, des Hard Edge und der Farbfeldmalerei. .. weiterlesen