
Silvia Spinelli, David Veesler, Cecilia Bebeacua, Christian Cambillau
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282 x 717 Pixel (64074 Bytes)
Lactococcal siphophage TP901-1, generated by assembling the reconstructions of the capsid (top), connector and tail (middle), and the tail-tip (bottom) on low-resolution maps of the full phages. In the capsid map, pentons are identified by red arrows/points and hexons by green arrows/points. Dimensions are given in Å and the angle of rotation between MTP hexamers is given in degrees.
Structures and host-adhesion mechanisms of lactococcal siphophages. In: Front. Microbiol., Volume 5 (2014), Sec. Virology, Research Topic Gram-positive phages: From isolation to application. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2014.00003.
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