Flying-Angel Painter ARV 280 24 two satyrs (01)

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3648 x 5472 Pixel (12276604 Bytes)
object type / vase shape: attic red figure pelike

- description side A: satyr with wine-skin and rhyton, running to the left, looking back - side B: satyr with thyrsos, balancing a skyphos on the sole of his right foot, running to the right, looking back - production place: Athens - painter: Flying-Angel Painter - period / date: late archaic, ca. 480 BC - material: pottery (clay) - height: 31,4 cm - findspot: Greece - museum / inventory number: Tübingen, Schloss Hohentübingen, Museum der Universität, Museum Alte Kulturen E 54 / S./10 1345 - bibliography: John D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford 1963(2), 280, 24 - Elke Böhr, CVA Tübingen 4, 1984, plate 10, 1-2; 12, 1-2 - Ernst Seidl, Schätze aus dem Schloss Hohentübingen. Ausgewählte Objekte aus den Sammlungen des Museums der Universität Tübingen MUT, 2012, - Stefan Krmnicek, Antike Rollenbilder. Wertvorstellungen in Münzbildern, Bonn 2018,

- Please note: The above museum permits photography of its exhibits for private, educational, scientific, non-commercial purposes. If you intend to use the photo for any commercial aime, please contact the museum and ask for permission.
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