Flickr - archer10 (Dennis) - Egypt-14A-112

Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada
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Library of Alexandria - Alexandria, Egypt

In the days when 500,000 papyrus scrolls could store the entire sum of human knowledge, the Egyptian city of Alexandria was the site for the world’s greatest library.

It was here, under Ptolemies, that man first calculated the circumference of the earth and discovered the power of steam, only to abandon it because energy from slaves was so much cheaper. But when the Great Library was destroyed, 1,400 or more years ago, many works of literature and philosophy were lost forever, along with scientific knowledge which took centuries to re-discover.

The new 11-story building, located on the original site of the ancient Alexandria Library will contain around half a million volumes initially, with an eventual capacity of 8 million books. The $200 million project, sponsored by the U.N. cultural body UNESCO, benefited from donations from countries around the globe.
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