Flag of Nikaho Akita
vectorized by Los688,2014
900 x 600 Pixel (6551 Bytes)
Flag of Nikaho
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
This work is in the public domain in Japan according to Article 13 of the Copyright Act of Japan, which states that the following shall not form the subject matter of the rights provided for in this Chapter:
- (i) the Constitution and other laws and regulations;
- (ii) notifications, instructions, circular notices and the like issued by organs of the State or local public entities, independent administrative organs ("independent administrative organs" means those mentioned in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Law for General Rules for Independent Administrative Organs (Law No.103, of 1999); the same shall apply hereinafter) or local independent administrative organs ("local independent administrative organs" means those mentioned in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Law for Local Independent Administrative Organs (Law No.118, of 2003); the same shall apply hereinafter);
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- (iv) translations and compilations, of those materials mentioned in the preceding three items, made by organs of the State or local public entities, independent administrative organs or local independent administrative organs.
Public domain
にかほ市市章及び市旗の制定について2005年10月1日制定 File:Symbol of Nikaho, Akita.svgも利用 下地は薄水色
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NikahoNikaho ist eine Stadt in der Präfektur Akita auf Honshū, der Hauptinsel von Japan. .. weiterlesen