Flag of Franceville

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800 x 533 Pixel (1546 Bytes)
Flag of Independent Commune of Franceville (1889-1890), in the colonial New Hebrides (present day Vanuatu).
  • The interpretation of the description includes:
  1. a red square 1/3 in height/width of the flag's height,
  2. a blue square on top of the red square and 8/30 in height/width of the flag's height,
  3. a white square behind the red square and 12/30 in height/width of the flag's height,
  4. radius of the five-pointed stars are 1/6 of the flag's height,
  5. all five blue five-pointed stars have been arranged on top of each other on a vertical line, aligned vertically to the right 1/6 of the flag's width and aligned horizontally with a distance of 1/6 of the flag's height.
  • This version (12 May 2008) fits the authoritative description given in E.N. Imhaus (1890), Les Nouvelles-Hébrides: avec une carte et sept gravures, p 160: "mi partie blanc et rouge, en disposition verticale, comme le drapeau H du Code de commerce, avec un carré bleu au centre, débordant sur le blanc et le rouge et cinq étoiles dans le bleu." See discussion page for English translation.
  • Construction details of the other version (8 June 2008) were based on the description given in Tom Harrisson (1937), Savage Civilisation, page 302: "an interesting flag, half blue, half red, vertically (like the 'H' of commercial code), with a blue square in the centre bordered by red and white, and five blue stars" (see Flag of Franceville.png for the source of the description).
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