
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV): Modified from Vestergaard et al. (2008). J. Bacteriol., 190, 6837-6845.
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Transformation of Sulfolobus host cells following infection with Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus 2 (SIRV2, Rudiviridae): (A1, A2), uninfected cells; (B1, B2), cells 10 h post-infection; (C1,C2), cells 10–14 h post-infection. (A1, B1, C1) scanning electron micrographs; (A2, B2, C2) transmission electron micrographs of thin sections of negatively stained cells. Scale bars: 200 nm. The electron micrographs are accompanied by the schematic representation of the cell at different stages of the virus replication cycle. Times after infection are indicated in hours. At 0 h, two chromosomes of the Sulfolobus host are shown in blue. Later they degrade concomitantly with formation of virus-induced pyramids (shown in red) and the intracellular clusters of assembled virions. Finally, at time points between 10 and 14 h, the virus-induced pyramids open (their remains are shown in red), the cell lyses and the virions are extruded. The gradual opening out of the virus-induced pyramids (at time points between 10 and 14 h) is illustrated in more details with fragments from electron micrographs of thin sections of the infected cell.
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