
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV): Modified from Vestergaard et al. (2008). J. Bacteriol., 190, 6837-6845.
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Rudiviridae. Genome organization of Stygiolobus rod-shaped virus (SRV), Sulfolopbus islandicus rod-shaped virus 1 (SIRV1) and Acidianus rod-shaped virus 1 (ARV1), showing the predicted ORFs and the ITRs (bold lines). SRV ORFs are identified by their amino acid lengths. Homologous genes shared between the rudiviruses are color-coded. Genes above the horizontal line are transcribed from left to right, and those below the line are transcribed in the opposite direction. Predicted functions or structural characteristics of the gene products are indicated as follows: sp, structural protein; rhh, ribbon-helix-helix protein; wh, winged helix protein; tm, transmembrane; tgt, tRNA guanine transglycosylase; hjh; Holliday junction helicase; hjr, Holliday junction resolvase; n, nuclease; du, dUTPase; ts, thymidylate synthase; sm, S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase; gt, glycosyl transferase.
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Die Virusfamilie Rudiviridae umfasst unbehüllte Archaeenviren mit einem Strang linearer, doppelsträngiger DNA als Genom. Die bisher klassifizierten Virusspezies haben thermophile Archaeen der Abteilung Crenarchaeota zum Wirt; besonders gut beschrieben ist ihr Vorkommen in Sulfolobus islandicus . Die Bezeichnung der Familie leitet sich vom lateinischen rudis ab, was auf die längliche Form der Viren hindeuten soll. .. weiterlesen