Exterior view of the Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, 1921 (shulman-1997-JS-217-ISLA)

Shulman, Julius
4766 x 3828 Pixel (1066567 Bytes)

Exterior view of the Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, 1921
Photograph of an exterior view of the Hollyhock House, Los Angeles. In the foreground, at right, a group of decorated pillars can be seen which extends from the right towards the background and forms a colonnade. At center, a row of plants is visible that goes alongside the colonnade. At left, a lawn is partially visible. In the background, at left, a marble stair can be seen. The structure was designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Photographer: Shulman, Julius
Legacy Record ID: shulman-m26
Filename: shulman-1997-JS-217-ISLA
Access Conditions: University of Southern California owns rights in the collective presentation only. For personal, educational or research use contact: Associate Registrar, Rights and Reproduction, The Getty Research Institute, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90049; phone (310) 440-7390; fax (310) 440-7780 or email grirights@getty.edu or access http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/library/rights_repro/index.html
Coverage date: 1921
Part of collection: Library Exhibits Collection
Type: images
Part of subcollection: L.A. Obscura: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman. Fisher Gallery, Spring 1998
Publisher (of the Digital Version): University of Southern California. Libraries
Geographic Subject (State): California
Archival file: shulmanunpub_Volume7/shulman-1997-JS-217-ISLA.tiff
Geographic Subject (County): Los Angeles
Geographic Subject (Roadway): 4808 Hollywood Boulevard
Identifying Number: 5466-22
Subject (naf): Hollyhock House (Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif.)
Repository Name: The Getty Research Institute, Research Library, Research Services
Rights: Getty Research Institute
Subject (adlf): housing areas
Original Filename: shulman-1997-JS-217-ISLA
Architect: Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959
Repository Address: 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
Geographic Subject (City or Populated Place): Hollywood; Los Angeles
Date created: 1921
Format (aat): photographic prints; photographs
Format (aacr2): 1 photograph : photoprint, b&w
Subject (lcsh): Dwellings
Repository Email: grirights@getty.edu
Geographic Subject (Country): USA
Public domain
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