Exoplanet Comparison PSR B1257+12 A

Aldaron, a.k.a. Aldaron
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Comparison of several possible sizes for the exoplanet PSR B1257+12 A with the Solar System planet Earth, using approximate models of planetary radius as a function of mass[1] for several possible compositions, based on mass reported in the Open Exoplanet Catalogue[2] as of 2015-11-14. Models include:
water world with a rocky core, composed of 75% H2O, 3% Fe, 22% MgSiO3
hypothetical pure water (ice) planet, the largest size for PSR B1257+12 A without a significant H/He envelope
rocky terrestrial "Earth-like" planet, composed of 67% Fe, 32.5% MgSiO3
hypothetical pure iron planet, PSR B1257+12 A's theoretical smallest size

PSR B1257+12 A is not likely to be smaller than the iron planet, and will be considerably larger than the water planet if significant H or He is present. For non-transiting planets, all modeled sizes will be underestimates to the extent that the planet's actual mass is larger than the reported minimum mass.

  1. Seager, S.; M. Kuchner, C. A. Hier-Majumder and B. Militzer (2007). "Mass–radius relationships for solid exoplanets". The Astrophysical Journal 669: 1279–1297. DOI:10.1086/521346. Retrieved on 2015-11-14.
  2. Open Exoplanet Catalogue (2015-11-14). Retrieved on 2015-11-14.
Eigenes Werk, incorporating public domain images for reference planets (see below)
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