Europe 814

1399 x 919 Pixel (3561358 Bytes)
An svg version of File:Europe 814.jpg with corrections.

List of corrections:

  • Avar Khaganate was disestablished c. 803;
  • Bulgarian-Frankish border was at the river Tizsa (Theiss) (see S. Rucniman, History of the First Bulgarian Empire);
  • north-eastern border of Bulgaria beyond the Danube delta (see R. Crampton, A Concise History of Bulgaria, Cambridge UP, 2006);
  • Serdica (Sofia) was part of the First Bulgarian Empire by the 814 peace treaty between the Bulgarians and Byzantines (see Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 4 (1923) and R. Crampton, loc. cit.)
  • Kingdom of Galicia, not Asturias (see The New Penguin Atlas of Medieval History, 1992, 42-45, and Das Mittelalter: Streifzug durch eine Epoche, National Geographic Deutschland, jan. 2015, 57)
  • Croatian, Serbian, Paganian, Zachlumian, Travunian, Dioclean borders (see N. Budak, Hrvatska Povijest od 550. do 1100., 2018; T. Živković, On the northern borders of Serbia in the early middle ages, 2001; S. Ćirković, The Serbs, 2004; P. Komatina, On the Serbian-Bulgarian border in the 9th and the 10th centuries, 2015 etc.)
  • Bosnian (N. Budak 2018; Tibor Živković, On the Beginnings of Bosnia in the Middle Ages, 2010; Muhamed Hadžijahić, Povijest Bosne u IX i X stoljeću, 2004; Relja Novaković, Where was Serbia from the 7th to the 12th century: Conclusion and summary of the monograph, 1981-2010; etc.)
Note: Due to incomplete information, further adjustments may be necessary in the region of the Avar Khaganate and the borders between the First Bulgarian Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and Serbia.
Public domain
"The Public Schools Historical Atlas" by Charles Colbeck. Longmans, Green; New York; London; Bombay. 1905.
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