
Credit: ESO
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The surroundings of the interacting galaxy NGC 5291

The spectacular aftermath of a 360 million year old cosmic collision is revealed in great detail in this image from ESO’s Very Large Telescope at the Paranal Observatory. Among the debris surrounding the elliptical galaxy NGC 5291 at the centre is a rare and mysterious young dwarf galaxy, which appears as a bright clump towards the right of the image. This object is providing astronomers with an excellent opportunity to learn more about similar galaxies that are expected to be common in the early Universe, but are normally too faint and distant to be observed by current telescopes.

Credit: ESO

About the Object
Name:	NGC 5291
Type:	• Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Interacting
Constellation:	Centaurus
Position (RA):	13 47 19.40
Position (Dec):	-30° 24' 4.50"
Field of view:	12.65 x 8.76 arcminutes
Orientation:	North is 90.0° right of vertical
Colours & filters Band	Telescope
Optical V	Very Large Telescope FORS2
Optical R	Very Large Telescope FORS2
Infrared I	Very Large Telescope FORS2
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NGC 5291

NGC 5291 ist eine rund 190 Millionen Lichtjahre entfernte elliptische Galaxie, die mit einer kleineren, stark verformten Galaxie wechselwirkt, die den Spitznamen «the Seashell» trägt. NGC 5291 liegt im westlichen Außenbereich von Abell 3574 und ist möglicherweise ein Mitglied dieses Galaxienhaufens. .. weiterlesen