Erasmus Hall High School from south
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Erasmus Hall High School was a four-year public high school located at 899-925 Flatbush Avenue between Church and Snyder Avenues in the Flatbush neighborhood of the New York City borough of Brooklyn. It was founded in 1786 as Erasmus Hall Academy, a private institution of higher learning named for the scholar Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch Renaissance humanist and Catholic Christian theologian. The clapboard-sided, Georgian-Federal-style building, constructed in 1787 on land donated by the Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church, was donated to the public school system in 1896, and still stands in the courtyard of the current school, serving as a museum exhibiting the school’s history.
The current school buildings in the Collegiate Gothic style were built in 1905-06 and 1909-11, designed by C.B.J. Snyder; and 1924-25 and 1939-40, designed by William Gompert and Eric Kebbon.
Due to poor academic scores, the city closed the high school in 1994, turning the building into Erasmus Hall Educational Campus and using it as the location for five separate small schools.
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