Enyi Mmiri

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Enyi Mmiri,

Enyi mmírí , also known as the West African Manatee (scientifically called Trichechus Senegalensis). This remarkable creature is often called Emenyi or Upeteyi and can be found dwelling deep within the creeks of the Niger Delta.

Among the Oru/Olu (Riverine Igbo) communities, stretching from Ndokwa, Ogbaru to Oguta, Ndoni, Ase, and beyond, the Enyi Mmiri holds a special place as a totem animal. It is regarded as sacred, and ancient customs strictly prohibit its killing. Interestingly, this unique creature is considered a totem of the revered Niger goddess Oshimili.

It is believed that the intriguing legends of "mammy water" may have emerged from the Manatee's acts of rescuing drowning locals. These incredible stories add to the mystique surrounding the Enyi Mmiri and its role in the cultural beliefs of the region.

The Manatee can be found in only two regions across the globe. One being the coast of West Africa, where our beloved Enyi Mmiri resides, and the other being the coasts of Florida in the United States. These two coastal regions are fortunate to host this extraordinary species and witness its majestic presence.
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