Entry for 827 in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which lists the eight bretwaldas

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Snipped from an image on this British Library page; described there as Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (C-text): Entries for the years 824 to 833. Abingdon, mid eleventh century.British Library Cotton MS Tiberius B.i, f.128. The snippet uploaded is the entry for 827 (829 in today's calendar). The 1823 translation by Rev. Ingram is as follows: A.D. 829. This year was the moon eclipsed, on mid-winter's mass-night; and King Egbert, in the course of the same year, conquered the Mercian kingdom, and all that is south of the Humber, being the eighth king who was sovereign of all the British dominions. Ella, king of the South-Saxons, was the first who possessed so large a territory; the second was Ceawlin, king of the West-Saxons: the third was Ethelbert, King of Kent; the fourth was Redwald, king of the East-Angles; the fifth was Edwin, king of the Northumbrians; the sixth was Oswald, who succeeded him; the seventh was Oswy, the brother of Oswald; the eighth was Egbert, king of the West-Saxons. This same Egbert led an army against the Northumbrians as far as Dore, where they met him, and offered terms of obedience and subjection, on the acceptance of which they returned home.
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