Ensemble Dorout Tilovat (Shahrisabz) (6018370667)

Jean-Pierre Dalbéra from Paris, France
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Kok-Gumbaz mosque, mausoleums and madrasa. The Kok-Gumbaz mosque (blue dome) is seen from the front in the background; it dates from 1435–1436. In front of the mosque are found two mausoleums, including that of the Sufi sheik Shams ad-Din Kulal, and a madrasa (Koranic school). The buildings were restored in the second half of the 20th century and at the beginning of the year 2000.

Situated 100 km south of Samarkand, Shahrisabz (formerly named Kesh) is known for being the birthplace of the family of Timur (Tamerlane). To pay homage to his region, he constructed a mausoleum for his son—in which he also wished to be interred—and also a vast palace called Ak-Sarai. The descendants of Timur enriched the city with religious buildings like the Dorout Tiloyat complex.

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