Emblem of Israel Police

Ronaldinho the king (רונאלדיניו המלך)
271 x 251 Pixel (19507 Bytes)
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
This work was created or ordered by the State of Israel, and is in the public domain because it satisfies one of the conditions stipulated in Israel's copyright statute from 2007 (translation) regarding the State's copyrights:
  1. It is a statute, regulation, Knesset protocol or court decision and therefore ineligible for copyright protection according to §6 of the 2007 statute; OR
  2. It was created more than 50 years ago (i.e. before 1 January 1974), and the State's copyright has therefore expired according to §§42–43 of the 2007 statute PROVIDING THAT
  • The State of Israel was the first owner of copyrights on this work; AND
  • The State did not waive its copyrights in a special contract with the author when this work was created.
Public domain
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Weitere Informationen zur Lizenz des Bildes finden Sie hier. Letzte Aktualisierung: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:13:01 GMT

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