Duplodnaviria virion morphology color
grayscale: Ypna, colors: Peter Evseev, Mikhail Shneider, Konstantin Miroshnikov
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4382 x 3897 Pixel (783957 Bytes)
Schematic representation of the morphology of viruses belonging to the Caudoviricetes class, namely, the morphotypes of myoviruses, podoviruses, and siphoviruses, along with the evolutionarily related Herpesvirales wrapped in the tegument, which is depicted as a circle. Viral capsids are coloured in slate, while tails and portal–vertex complexes are purple.
100px, colorized accoding to Biomolecules-13-00110-g001.png (original Fig. 1 at doi:10.3390/biom13010110).
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