Droga wojewodzka 779
3482 x 3000 Pixel (1269881 Bytes)
Voivodeship road no. 779 (Dworcowa Street) in Mszczonów, Poland
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This image is copyrighted by Radosław Botev. Permission is granted to use this picture freely for any purpose - whether commercial or not - and to make derivative works provided that the copyright holder's full name is quoted. You are also hereby permitted to redistribute this file and its derivations to a third party under any license of your choice as long as that license requires attribution to the copyright holder of this work and does not allow to ever revoke that requirement (possible examples are Creative Commons Attribution or GFDL). This shall by no means limit the right of the redistributor of this work or the right of the derivative works' creators to impose other restrictions on the use or further redistribution of this work or its derivations.
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Droga wojewódzka 779Die Droga wojewódzka 779 (DW779) ist eine 965 Meter lange, innerstädtische Droga wojewódzka (Woiwodschaftsstraße) in der Woiwodschaft Masowien in Polen. Die Straße in der Stadt Mszczonów im Powiat Żyrardowski verbindet den Bahnhof Mszczonów mit der ehemaligen Landesstraße DK55. .. weiterlesen