Dragonfly and Exuvia (cropped)

Phil Gradwell from Culcheth, England
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Today Pam and I went for a ride down the road to Holcroft Moss. Pam is doing some surveying for Cheshire Wildlife Trust and PondNet so we went armed with the GPS, notepad, and camera.

In one corner of the moss a bunded ditch has been created to encourage wildlife and in it we saw emergent dragonflies! We, or I should really say, Pam, can't be sure exactly what it is but this may be a four-spotted chaser dragonfly. I haven't a clue. But what you can see is the larval case which it has recent popped out of. Now it's body fluids are pumping up it's wings and abdomen and when fully expanded it will be twice as long as it's laval skin. This one here is nearly ready to go but not quite, it couldn't get away so it was a good time to lie down on the soggy moss at the side of the ditch and hover my SLR millimetres from the surface of the pond and get a picture. It was tricky trying to see the focus on the screen in bright sun but I'm pleased with the result and I like the perspective from a close up wide angle shot, it really puts you in the picture.
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(c) Christian Fischer, CC BY-SA 3.0
(c) Christian Fischer, CC BY-SA 3.0

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Die Exuvie ist die bei der Häutung (Ecdysis) abgestreifte Haut der Häutungstiere (Ecdysozoa) bzw. der Reptilien (Reptilia). Im Zusammenhang mit Reptilien wird die Bezeichnung Exuvie allerdings selten verwendet. Die Exuvie besteht aus dem Chitin- und Sklerotin-haltigen Exoskelett der Häutungstiere bzw. den verhornten Hornschuppen der Reptilien und trägt manchmal auch cuticuläre Gebilde wie Schuppen oder Borsten. Exuvien finden sich vor allem bei den Gliederfüßern (Arthropoda) wie den Insekten, Spinnentieren und Krebstieren, aber auch bei den niederen Landwirbeltieren, beispielsweise bei Schlangen und Echsen. .. weiterlesen