Doncaster Minster, interior (47742439772)

Jules & Jenny from Lincoln, UK
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The present church is built on the site of the original mediaeval church which burnt down in 1853.

The new church was consecrated in 1858, the architect was Sir George Gilbert Scott. It was awarded Minster status in 2004.

The church is built in a cruciform shape with a perpendicular style tower, two-bay north and south transepts, five-bay nave with clerestory, north and south aisles, chancel with a south chapel, north organ chamber and vestry, and a south porch and parvis with balustrade to the nave.

The tower is 170 feet high, of two stages and has eight bells. The clock is by the same company that made the clock of Big Ben. The chancel has a large east window and lavish stone reredos, which has recently been restored. The nave has quatrefoil piers with foliage to the capitals. There is a large west window depicting the genealogy of Christ in the form of a Jesse tree. There is a large pulpit, with an arcaded balustrade, and a stone reading desk with seating for three clerics.

There is a five manual organ by Schultze with a separate console in the chancel.

All the monuments in the church are from the nineteenth century, except for a painted wooden Memorial from 1698 which was spared from the fire.

There is a large quantity of Victorian stained-glass in the church.
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