Doge Pietro Grimani After His Election - Michele Marieschi (41980210611)

Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA
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"Doge Pietro Grimani Carried into Piazza San Marco After His Election", by Michele Marieschi (1710-1744). Part of the "Eyewitness Views: Making History in Eighteenth-Century Europe" exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, in the United States.

This painting, completed 1741, is 22 inches high and 44 inches wide, and is currently in the collection of the Galerie G. Sarti in Paris, which paid £1.2 million ($1.62 million) for it in 2013.

The exhibit focuses on veduta (the Italian word for "view"), paintings that are highly detailed and large-scale. They generally focus on cityscapes or landscapes, often with a focus on a particular event. It was organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art, the J. Paul Getty Museum, and the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
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