Dingxibei Railway Station (20171004150352)

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Dingxi North, just three months old, officially Dingxibei according to CR's English naming regulation for railway stations. Then comes a matter of phrase segmentation: "定西北" can be viewed as "Dìngxī běi" (Dingxi North) or "Dìng xīběi" (subdue the northwest), and another station happened to run into the same matter, that's "镇江南" (Zhenjiangnan). If the segmentation is Zhèn Jiāngnán, then it means defending Jiangnan, south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. So there's sugar: Imagine a general who has conquered the northwest and the east... Interestingly enough, a train happened to serve both two stations which are involved in this matter: G1972 from Lanzhouxi to Shanghai Hongqiao, promoting this meme even to People's Daily. Second class fare from Dingxibei to Zhenjiangnan is CNY 716.50. Maybe one day they could become sister stations...
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