Delta Mill 2006

Brian Ridgway from King City and Buckhorn, Ontario, Canada
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The Old Stone Mill is the oldest surviving automatic stone grist mill in Ontario.

The Old Stone Mill in Delta Ontario is a National Historic Site showcasing milling technology and 1800s industrial heritage. The mill was built in 1810 and is one of the finest examples of early industrial architecture in the region.

A self-guided tour of the mill features interpretive displays and artifacts illustrating the grist milling process through the years. Artifacts include buhr millstones, 48 inch Swain turbines, roller mills and much more.

In the Museum (the former Old Town Hall just around the corner from the mill) exhibits highlight some of the early industries of the region including early agricultural equipment. Small gift shops are located at both sites.

The Old Stone Mill National Historic Site has been designated by the Government of Canada as a place of national historic significance.
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Delta Mill

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