Defixio Rhodine Faustus Terme

Künstler/-in unbekanntUnknown artist
2900 x 1100 Pixel (2127155 Bytes)
Defixio against Rhodinē. Latin inscription: “Just as the dead man who is buried here can neither speak nor talk, so may Rhodine die as far as Marcus Licinius Faustus is concerned and not be able to speak nor talk. As the dead man is received neither by gods nor humans, so may Rhodine be received by Marcus Licinius and have as much strength as the dead man who is buried here. Dis Pater, I entrust Rhodine to you, that she be always hateful to Marcus Licinius Faustus. Also Marcus Hedius Amphio. Also Gaius Popillius Apollonius. Also Vennonia Hermiona. Also Sergia Glycinna.” Found in the funerary area of the Via Latina, not far from Rome, late Republican Era.
Public domain
Jastrow (2006)
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Die Fluchtafel oder Defixion stellt eine in der Antike weit verbreitete Form des Schadenzaubers dar. .. weiterlesen