News Photo 980928-F-0881Z-505
Staff Sgt. Lisa Zunzanyika-Carpenter, U.S. Air Force
1268 x 1012 Pixel (578652 Bytes)
Army engineers use their brute strength to push a partially constructed Mabey and Johnson bridge into position at Camp Demi near Kladanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Sept. 28, 1998. The flooding Drinjaca river damaged the supports of the present bridge leading to the American army compound which was forced to close the gate used for multi-ton vehicle traffic. The construction of the bridge is a combined effort between the U.S. Army's Alpha Company, 40th Engineers 1st Platoon of Idar Oberstein, Germany; Alpha Company 20th Engineers 2nd Platoon, of Fort Hood, Texas; Brown and Root civilian contractors and Romanian Army Engineers. The engineers are deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina to support Operation Joint Forge.
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