David Richmond-Peck at Cruel and Unusual Premiere (cropped)

Canadian Film Centre
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David Richmond-Peck at the CRUEL & UNUSUAL Premiere Screening in Vancouver

May 27, 2014

CRUEL & UNUSUAL, the 21st feature developed and produced through CFC Features and the first shot in British Columbia, received a warm reception during its Canadian premiere at the Vancity Theatre on May 24, 2014. A sold out crowd enjoyed a reception prior to the screening where they were able to mingle with some of cast in attendance including David Richmond-Peck, Bernadette Saquibal, Andy Thompson, Mary Black, and Richard Harmon. Writer/director Merlin Dervisevic ('99) and producer Matthew Cervi ('04) were also on hand at the theatre. The screening concluded with a thoughtful Q&A involving Merlin and the cast.
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David Richmond-Peck

David Richmond-Peck ist ein kanadischer Filmschauspieler. .. weiterlesen