DC Snipers' Chevy Caprice - A look inside the sniper murder car

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20 years ago, the Beltway/DC Snipers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo terrorized the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia for three weeks in a series of coordinated attacks. Ten people were killed at the hand of the DC snipers and three were critically wounded. The ATF produced this video to demonstrate how detectives believed the sniper suspects used a Chevrolet Caprice as a killing machine.

Malvo was a juvenile when he and Muhammad embarked on the killing spree in the DMV. Others were killed as the pair made their way to the D.C. region from Washington state. Muhammad was executed in 2009.

On Feb. 8, oral arguments began in Malvo's quest to seek either sentencing relief or release under a Maryland law that applies to prisoners who were convicted as juveniles.

MORE: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/oral-arguments-start-feb-8-dc-sniper-lee-boyd-malvo-seeks-sentencing-relief-juvenile-offender-release-ruling/65-1e2de660-0987-4d1c-885f-3b021c2a24e8
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